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Get your health back on track after hospitalisation. 

Get your health back on track after hospital

Nicky talks about how to get your health back on track after her time being ill in hospital.

Back in January 2013, life threw me a curveball that changed everything. I found myself flat on my back in the hospital, unable to walk, and 17 weeks pregnant with my third child. Viral meningitis had me in its grip, and my world felt like it was spinning out of control. My head was pounding, and my legs refused to support me. I was scared – for my unborn baby, my other kids and husband at home, and yes, for myself.

I remember those days vividly, surrounded by the sterile white of the hospital ceiling. I pulled at my hair in desperation, my kids even teasing me about my "messy" hair during visits. But amidst the pain, I held onto one thing – the strength of a mama bear protecting her cubs. I had to get better; I had a little one relying on me.

Over the 6 days in that hospital bed, I couldn't walk, and my strength was sapped. The most I could manage was pressing the call button for the commode. It wasn't easy; the nurses were stretched thin, and the pain was relentless. But family visits, even during non-visiting hours, and the support from my husband brought a glimmer of light.

Recovery became my mission, not just for me but for my family. And as I stepped back into my home, it felt like a fresh start. My brain had undergone a reset, and I knew it was time for a change.

You see, before I fell ill, I was on a fast train of life, juggling running a business. It was exhilarating, but I was neglecting myself. So, I pressed pause and took time to heal. Charity work filled the void, and I discovered a passion for supporting Children who needed help.

Then came the moment when I stumbled upon doTERRA essential oils. These pure, tested oils became my lifeline, supporting my family's health naturally. It was a revelation, and I couldn't keep these gifts to myself. Business number 2 was born, and I set off on a journey to share these wonders with the world.

Now, I'm 100% passionate about helping others. My health journey made me realise the importance of protecting our well-being. As a family of five, we cherish holidays and building unforgettable memories. Having a business that fits around our lives is a blessing.

If you're curious about managing your health naturally and looking for support on this journey, I'm here to help. Let's chat about how we can embark on this path together, discovering the benefits of natural wellness for your well-being and the well-being of your loved ones.

Alternatively, if you're intrigued by the idea of turning your passion for natural health into a rewarding business opportunity, I'm here to guide you. Let's explore how you can share the wonders of doTERRA essential oils with others, making a positive impact on their lives while creating a flexible and fulfilling business that aligns with your lifestyle.

Whether it's enhancing your health or exploring an exciting entrepreneurial venture, let's connect and make this ongoing journey even more beautiful. Because health is not just a destination; it's a continuous exploration, and I'm here to support you every step of the way.

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