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In and out of Hospital with Croup

My oldest daughter used to suffer with croup from the age of 2 right up to the age of 10 years despite the doctors saying she was too old to have this until they came in to review her and was so surprised it was still happening.

It was horrible to see her in this situation and I knew I needed to find a way to help her as clearly what she was being given was not working at the root cause of what was going on.

We were at a point where changes needed to made, 2013 had been a year of hospitals for us with me in with what they diagnosed of Viral Meningitis (when pregnant, believe me I have my different views on that now), croup visits, broken arm for daughter number 2, hip injury for daughter number 1 and birth of our little one I wanted to find natural ways if possible to help us. So in May 2014 when she was back in hospital with croup, I visited the health food shop the day after to look at what natural alternatives I could find to help her.

Little did I know that essential oils sold on the high street are not pure and putting these products which had other toxins in them on to my humidifier was actually making her breathing worse rather than better. Yes it might say pure on the bottle but when you see things like do not breathe in I'm like WTF, this is shocking.

How do we really know what is in these bottles of essential oils ? I can tell you a lot of rubbish in most cases and toxins we do not want to take into our bodies.

Breathing in toxins when you are struggling with your breathing is not good and I started on the task of reducing the toxins around the home, bye bye to air fresheners, fragranced hand soaps and lots more but believe me it was such a massive task and i wish I had someone like me around who could share their knowledge with me back then to enable me to do this process faster. However thats where you are in lucky, join my forum to follow me and learn from me and others to help you on this natural health joureny. Join at -

Through out the following years, I learnt alot but it wasnt until i found a brand of high grade essential oils with testing for purity that I started to see the difference in my daughters breathing. She was on 2 different inhalers for her asthma and things were still not under control.

I can say that she has not used her inhalers in the last 6 years, leads a very natural lifestyle not just for asthma but also for her migraines too and many other things. From the point of making the changes, croup or bad breathing problems hasn't come back either which is fantastic.

Follow me to learn more ways I help me and my family and can also help you too. No medicines for 6 years for me, I live a natural lifestyle with plant based medicines and make my own creams, cleaners, scrubs, food items and lots more in a natural way. I will tell you the truth about whats working for me and help you take control of your own health and wellness.

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