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Are you having enough nutrition ?

Well my answer was definitely, yes of course as I eat well so I must be taking off enough nutrition each day ....... little did I know that the food we eat has little nutrition in it now. I wa told I have to eat 16 apples now to get the same nutrition that I would from one apple in the 1970's. Very shocking I know and this put me on a path to know that I needed to take control and use supplements that was of a good quality and not synthetic.

I had been using the oils from doTERRA but not started on the supplements but knew I needed too for my health and wellness.

Wow they are powerful and I love the fact they come in one box and I know that everything in the box is working together rather than having multiple boxes.

The Lifelong Vitality pack typically consists of three different supplements:

  1. Alpha CRS+®: This supplement is formulated to support cellular health and energy production. It contains a blend of botanical extracts, antioxidants, and metabolic cofactors to promote healthy cellular function and protect against oxidative stress.

  2. xEO Mega®: xEO Mega is a blend of essential fatty acids derived from fish oil and other sources. It provides omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for cardiovascular health, cognitive function, and overall well-being. It also contains essential oils known for their antioxidant properties.

  3. Microplex VMz®: Microplex VMz is a comprehensive multivitamin and mineral complex designed to fill nutritional gaps in the diet. It contains essential vitamins, minerals, and trace elements necessary for various bodily functions, including metabolism, immune support, and bone health.

To receive a free ebook on the Lifelong vitality, please visit our forum where I share more about them including an email by clicking the following button -

Purchase vitality at - or the vegan pack at - or Learn about our essential starter kit to embrace a natural lifestyle at - - Purchase at - and don't forget to add the Lifelong Vitality to your kit.

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