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Are all essential oils the same quality ?

I get asked this all the time and the answer is NO NO NO

No, not all essential oils are the same. Essential oils are highly concentrated plant extracts that are used for various purposes, including aromatherapy, skincare, and natural medicine. They can vary greatly in terms of their composition, scent, potency, and therapeutic properties depending on the plant species they are derived from, the extraction method used, and how they are produced and processed.

Different essential oils have different chemical compositions, which can result in varying effects on the body and mind. Some essential oils may have calming and relaxing properties, while others may be stimulating or invigorating. Additionally, the quality of essential oils can vary depending on factors such as the source of the plant material, the distillation process, and whether or not they have been diluted or adulterated with synthetic substances.

It's important to do your research and purchase essential oils from reputable sources to ensure you are getting a high-quality product that is safe and effective for your intended use.

I use the doTERRA oils and they have helped me and my family so much. Look at these images shared by a friend who investigated it further to find out that these oils she was about to purchase are adulterated.

It is actually very scary that products are available to purchase online that are not safe for us to use.

The more toxins we remove from our body, the better our health will be so this is why purity of essential oils if key.

Learn more about the doTERRA Oils at - and learn about our starter kits at - - Purchase at -

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